I just realized. The more you comment your code and make it understandable, the easier it is for other people to takeover and rewrite your code. This means that when you retire/pass-away, your code will likely be quickly overwritten and your legacy gone from the active code base.
So, if you write complex clever code with little to no documentation, your code is more likely to be immortalized in the code base as everyone will be too afraid to touch it and possibly break it.
I thought of this when looking into the Linux TTY code base
I think the demonstration was to show that the audience would do anything for Paul.
The conference will start soone. You can follow it here:
@KernelRecipes @librecomputer Only a 103 this time (if I don’t add more between now and then, which I likely will!)
Linux Plumbers Conference General Registration has reopened. Get your tickets now before we sell out again.
I’m running the Tracing Microconference at Linux Plumbers. If there’s an issue you would like to discuss there, please submit a MC topic. https://lpc.events/blog/current/index.php/2023/08/17/tracing-mc-cfp/