@MLE_online Okay, now I'm truly jealous. Haven't had a walk-in ham radio store in the Detroit area in well over 15 years. Nearest is Akron, I think?
@MLE_online you consistently make LA look amazing.
@smellsofbikes it's not. LA is awful and nothing I portray says otherwise
@MLE_online Wow, those ground plane radials are small! What kind of antenna is it?
@MLE_online hihi, I was looking for something more technical :) 😂️
@trcwm I dunno, lol. Look it up. I'm sure there's technical data for it online
@MLE_online Not much I can find online :(
I think the small radials mean a relative high impedance of the antenna at that point, so my (semi-informed) guess is that it's an off-centre fed vertical dipole of some sort.
@MLE_online Nope!
Cebik (http://on5au.be/content/gp/gp5.html) says it's probably a variation of the 3/8 wavelength ground-plane.
@MLE_online He claims: "The Comet GP-3 is a 1/2 wave antenna on 2meters, but the radials are 1/12th wavelength." but I'm skeptical about the 1/2 wavelength claim.
@trcwm The antenna itself is labeled 1.78 meters in length
@MLE_online Neat! What brand and model is it? I've thought about getting a Diamond X50 and it looks similar to yours.
@misternineham yes! the radio waves heat the ham until it's delicious and delectable!
Well silly me, when I saw your post the other day I never imagined you would be using it for actual radio!
What piqued your interest? I've been poking my toes into the ham world recently, for emergency preparedness stuff. Currently on the local GMRS net
@NilaJones It started because a coworker and I do emergency comms for work. We were going to get our licenses. He didn't end up doing it, but I mentioned it to a a friend and he got really excited and said we should get our licenses together.
Oh that's great! (I want to ask more questions but I don't want to intrude:)
😂😂 I was just wondering where you work (I probably should know but I have brain fog), and what kind of emergency comm
When I got started with the neighborhood emergency preparedness net, I hadn't used a radio in I don't know how long. It seemed like magic, that I could hear someone miles away!
Have you checked out the LGBTQ net weekly, listed on Mastodon?
@NilaJones I work at an institute focused on technology, located in a certain large west coast state.
I haven't even heard of an LGBTQ net weekly. What's that
I wonder if it's the same place another friend works? 🙂
People check in and chat. Let me see if I can find you a link. They also have a web page so you can listen online. I was hearing a guy in Australia!
@NilaJones @MLE_online I suspect it's @PrideRadioGroup?
@kg6gfq @MLE_online @PrideRadioGroup
Yes!! Thank you so much!!
I did a web search, and I saw something called pride radio, but I went to their website and it didn't seem to be the same thing, so I figured I had the name wrong...
@kg6gfq @NilaJones @MLE_online Yep! 02:00 UTC on Sundays, hosted by @KJ7OMO
There is a YouTube stream of the nets too :)
@PrideRadioGroup @kg6gfq @NilaJones @MLE_online
Oh, hi! You can get more information about our net and our network by going to https://prideradionetwork.weebly.com
And if you'd like more information about the Pride Radio Group, visit https://prideradio.group
@MLE_online ahhh HRO! Neat.
I actually worked at the one here for a couple of days. It was pretty neat.