Just set up a 6m ground plane and am calling CQ on 50.090 MHz. Not even getting any Reverse Beacon spots, though. :(
@kb6nu Your antenna polarization might be the issue there. Not saying a vertically polarized antenna on 6m won't work, but a 6m dipole might yield better results, unless the convention of using horizontally polarized for weak signal work on VHF isn't a thing anymore
@Stormgren Hmmmmm. Possibly. I would have thought that anything bouncing off the ionosphere or aurora would have an undetermined polarity, though. Having said that, though, it should be easy enough to build a dipole and see what happens.
@kb6nu If nothing else, there's a beacon on 50.076 that is coming booming in for me that you should be able to hear, pretty sure it's W8UR's 6m beacon in Whitmore Lake.
Even with sporadic E and aurora, I've found that there's usually a lot of fading trying to work stations on SSB that are using vertically polarized antennas.
@Stormgren I'm not hearing that beacon at all. That could certainly be a polarization thing.
@kb6nu Yeah, it's ripping the front end of my -1200 off, and I'm using a homebrew doublet that is cut for 80m and matched via tuner/balun, so not exactly optimized for 6m :P
@kb6nu Interesting. He might be closer to .076.100 , not sure how wide a filter you run.
@Stormgren I got everything I need to build a dipole. I'll give that a go.
@kb6nu Good luck!
Also, it looks like it's nf8m/b in Novi, I got the initial ID wrong. 50076.3 , and he's vertically polarized, so IDK?