@adamjcook @JenMsft I mean if you look at what he says, and I mean everything for the past decade at least, it's really quite difficult to find things that aren't/weren't lies.

He's just established enough of a cult following + on-paper share value that people simply cannot believe he's just a lying scammer no it can't be etc.

No he really does just blatantly lie and he really is just as incompetent and clueless as he seems.
@adamjcook why do you think weird sub dude felt confident about taking his plastic toy down to crush dept? He literally cited spacex as an example etc. etc.

The guy is just a disease. Twitter was just an exit strategy for cash from his massively overinflated tesla scam (he himself claimed that without working FSD the company's worth nothing, well FSD is a scam so... QED), then thought he could combine it with 'owning the libs' before realising he'd overpaid by a considerable amount.

The VERY unfortunate thing is that for some reason people in the legal system seem very scared of actually holding him to account. The Delaware chancery court were a rare example and he didn't expect it... his solar cities thing was an open fraud imo.

Just a deeply depressing time to have that creature associated with anything tech/science related at all.
@adamjcook he's also given 'permission' for companies to engage in absolutely outrageous labour practices because of the myth of his genius and sadly other companies have followed suit.

He's set an example with firing on a vast scale at twitter. Of course it's dying slowly so people stupidly think that had no effect so follow suit after overhiring during covid...

And the safety practices/work conditions at his companies are beyond appalling. All justified because of the group hallucination about his great genius.

Sickening really