@mw1cgg ham, two fried eggs, home style potatoes (griddled potatoes with onions and peppers) and biscuits with white sausage gravy
@MLE_online I see. I've never seen red potatoes with such white flesh. Looks good.
I still need to work out exactly what this biscuits and gravy thing is because to a Brit it sounds disgusting but I know our terms differ. I should make some. Sosig gravy sounds ace to me.
@mw1cgg yeah, they're not biscuits like you would call them. They're like your scones, except buttery and not sweet. Crumbly little bread things. They're kind of dry, so they are good with something saucy like gravy.
I didn't know you all didn't have red skin potatoes over there
@MLE_online We do have red skinned potatoes. They're not so common in supermarkets these days though. Desiree was the usual strain but the flesh is more yellow than what you had.
@jmorris no it's just ham, but then Canadian bacon is just ham, only made into small circles
@mw1cgg interesting! I think the flesh of our yellow skin potatoes is more yellow than this
@MLE_online I can get all sorts if I could be bothered to grow them but I can't be bothered these days. Although every couple of years I grow some pink fir apples because they taste so good. An absolute arse to clean though.
@mw1cgg I'm growing red skin potatoes, russets, and sweet potatoes right now. They just grow so easily. Stick one potato in the ground and then you have a bunch of potatoes. It's magic!
I've never seen pink fir apples before. I don't suppose we get those over here
@isaiah it is. I think you would be hard pressed to find a diner here that didn't offer them.