I’ve told LF repeatedly that “education” as the leading point is insulting. Many maintainers know exactly what they need to do, but they lack time and energy for it. Lecturing them, I mean “giving them skills”, is… not actually a solution.
But it allows LF (and friends like GH) to continue elephant-in-the-room-ing the actual solution, which is paying maintainers for the trillions of dollars of value they create.
@luis_in_brief this is the phishing training of the open source world
Or to put it a different way: open source maintainers are one of the most verifiably self-taught people in the history of the world, *when they want to be*. Happy to dig into tools, Google, books, mailing list archives, source code, stack traces, whatever. *If they’re motivated and have time for it.*
Saying “what they really need is… an online course” is… actually a tacit admission that what’s actually missing is time and motivation.
@joshbressers whatever you do, don’t click the (checks notes) github.com link
@luis_in_brief if I could put it more succinctly:
Fuck ‘em, I don’t need this shit
@luis_in_brief in all seriousness this might be the most insulting piece of communication I have ever received as an open source maintainer and I struggle to understand how it made it through an editorial process
@glyph growing “we need to do something” pressure is going to yield a lot of very bad “this is something”s
@luis_in_brief Education is great when it's opt-in. This is not opt-in.
@liw I mean it’s… sort of opt in? You can opt not to take the money :) but you have to motivate people to want to do the thing that the training is for, not just motivate them to do the training.
@luis_in_brief @liw What if you reminded them that they play an important role in the software supply chain? 😃
@jamesh @luis_in_brief As long as I can invoice for that...
I'd like to have a micro-cent every time the Linux kernel printk's on a Google, Amazon, or Microsoft server, please.
@luis_in_brief sad because LF does have some legitimately good education material — but that’s not the answer to this problem. The answer is money.
@c0dec0dec0de they’d better, they’ve spent enough money on it 🙃 but yes, if there’s no itch, no one is going to scratch, no matter how good the documentation is.
@luis_in_brief @glyph As one of those maintainers who could use the funding to be able to focus on projects, this whole thing was a giant slap in the face. I've been doing this for goodness knows how long. I *know* what I need to do. The problem is I can't afford to allocate time for it.