
Lorenzo Stoakes

Edited 11 months ago
@kernellogger sometimes people like drama for the sake of drama. Kent is no angel, and lots to criticise him about, but Willy raises a good point there. I've had people been less than nice to me who aren't on the usual list of 'bad people' which I can tell you as a hobbyist can be quite discouraging.

What matters more is getting something that is actually useful into the mainline kernel and we just need to find a way to get past the drama.
@kernellogger yeah, I'm sure there's lots of blame to go around and things can be tricky with different subsystems, for sure.

I mean there was drama around his trying to add functionality to mm so I saw it (and interacted with it) directly :)

So I'm not saying the criticism of him on that thread is invalid, but rather, when he's not being all _that_ difficult in the thread (ok not read it all so maybe missed something), put it to one side.

I mean I was there at LSF/MM in person so I know the comments are not without cause.

I guess fundamentally I just wish we could do without the drama. It gives the kernel a bad name and 99% of the time on the mm list I've had no issues whatsoever.

Everybody I met in person at LSF/MM was lovely and I think people get a warped perspective sometimes.
@kernellogger A wise point.

Unfortunately people think the kernel is ESPECIALLY bad and full of arseholes.

I mean ye olde Linus is a part of why that is for sure.

But these days it's really not that bad.

You read some people's (ahem) posts on here and you'd think the whole thing is just so awful vs. their wonderful ideas for how to do things.

One thing I've noticed in life is that there's a lot more PRETENDING to be nice while actually being quite unpleasant.

I for one prefer somebody to be honest as to who they are as much as they practically can and direct, which is one thing at least me and kmo agree on.