I'm really excited about making Use-After-Free exploits much harder in the #Linux #kernel.
The excellent CCC VOC people published the AllSystemsGo! videos from this week. Here's the UKI talk I did there:
Day 2 talks will kick off at 9:45 Berlin-time.
As a reminder, streams for both rooms can be found here: https://streaming.media.ccc.de/asg2023
And the schedule is here: https://cfp.all-systems-go.io/all-systems-go-2023/schedule/#
It's already been 8 years since @LIGO made its first gravitational wave detection! Happy birthday GW150914!
The start of the conference is coming very soon! in the meantime we are fine-tuning the last details and we are very very happy to see you again very soon ! #kr2023
There is zero shame in buying preassembled boards, modules, jacks with presoldered wires attached or anything like that. Or kits with all the surface mount work done for you.
There's a lot of great options for constructing things from modules and cable harnesses out there these days, and if it's the easiest way to build the project you're envisioning, go for it!
This is especially true if you are unable to solder or do fine detail work well!
At the end of the day, you still made something, and it's yours.
(Also, if you think I solder all of my own connectors and surface mount stuff, you'd be wrong)
Yes, this is a subtoot based on DMs and conversations that have happened over the past few months where folks have commented to me that they don't feel like they're doing real hardware hacking because they're not designing their own PCBs or soldering every wire or something.
Just go out there and make things!