I'm very excited to announce that you can now try #Incus online!
The new demo environment uses Incus virtual machines running on a remote Incus cluster with full support for both containers and VMs!
If you're here at the #OSSummit, I'll be on a panel about Demonstrating OSPO Value at 11:25 in room 3A - join us! https://sched.co/1OGdq
Reminder: we maintain a kernel feature wishlist here as part of the uapi group:
I just added a bunch of new entries to it (at the bottom). If you are looking for something to hack on (and have some kernel expertise, or would like to acquire it), would be more than excellent to work on those!
We quietly released the code a little while ago but this is the official announcement of Capslock, our contribution to the supply-chain security conversation.
Capslock is a tool for understanding at high level what a given piece of (Golang) code is capable of and for detecting when an update to a library changes this capability set, to give users a chance to catch supply-chain attacks in progress.
I'm really excited about making Use-After-Free exploits much harder in the #Linux #kernel.
The excellent CCC VOC people published the AllSystemsGo! videos from this week. Here's the UKI talk I did there:
Day 2 talks will kick off at 9:45 Berlin-time.
As a reminder, streams for both rooms can be found here: https://streaming.media.ccc.de/asg2023
And the schedule is here: https://cfp.all-systems-go.io/all-systems-go-2023/schedule/#
It's already been 8 years since @LIGO made its first gravitational wave detection! Happy birthday GW150914!
The start of the conference is coming very soon! in the meantime we are fine-tuning the last details and we are very very happy to see you again very soon ! #kr2023