@spots1000@woem.men @ChaosKitsune@woem.men it ends up being an exercise in running more train cars than you would normally think you need, but it can be worked around in that way at least, lol. I still use both trucks and trains often, but yeah making sure you get full throughput for both is more an art than a science I suppose
How an Empty S3 Bucket Can Make Your AWS Bill Explode https://slashdot.org/story/24/04/30/199238/how-an-empty-s3-bucket-can-make-your-aws-bill-explode?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon
Apple potvrdil, že vlády používají push notifikace ke sledování uživatelů! https://www.letemsvetemapplem.eu/2023/12/06/apple-potvrdil-ze-vlady-pouzivaji-push-notifikace-ke-sledovani-uzivatelu/
Takže šmíruji metadata o z push notifikací. Fakt paráda, týká se to jak Google tak Apple. Fakt je čas si pořídit linuxový telefon.