I'm getting slowly excited for the upcoming @KernelRecipes conference the 23rd to to 25th of this month.
I will be doing the official live blog of the conference again this year, and you had a preview of how that usually works with the storm^Wspam I sent here during OSFC. It was just a warmup 🙂
I had to do one of those massive IKEA runs today, I finally got a chance to figure out how the cargo bike hire thing works, at least at Tempelhof in Berlin.
You show your receipt at customer service, you show some ID, and if you can ride home with your stuff and then back within three hours, the bike hire is free!*
Today was good riding weather, so it totally worked for me.
A+, would do again.
* I think it’s like 5 EUR per hour after that.
James Wainwright is now presenting "Open source all the way down: developing firmware in parallel with open silicon".
In the context of the OpenTitan open source root-of-trust project, the hardware, its tests and firmware are all developed in lockstep in a monorepo.
End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell
Whaaaa?.. What do I read instead?
“Some people think it’s controversial to take away a lane from cars and to put in a bike lane. I think it’s controversial to only have one way of getting around. We have choices in all other parts of our lives, but when it comes to transportation, we only have one option.”
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The CfP deadline for talks, workshops and demos at #XDC2024 has been extended to next Monday, 19 August 2024. You have one more week to submit, don't wait! http://xdc2024.x.org #Mesa #Wayland #Linux #Graphics #OpenSource
Sigh - I guess it had to eventually happen - it is an end of an era..
i really cannot overstate how all political conflicts throughout all of human history are between, on the one side, the people who believe we can build a just and equitable society that cares for everybody, and on the other side, these people:
Causeway Street, Boston.
Boston Police doing their @BostonBikeBlockers + #CarsInCrosswalks combo.
Switzerland passes law requiring #OpenSource software in the public sector. "All public bodies must disclose the source code of software developed by or for them, unless precluded by third-party rights or security concerns" Well done @maemst, great work!
@pid_eins and myself are hosting a MC track at #linuxplumbers and the CfP closes next week. The best time to submit a talk was last month, the next best time is now!
"Kernel <-> Userspace/Init/System Management boundaries and APIs MC" - the focus is on topics related to the APIs and interfaces sitting at the boundary between the kernel and init systems/system management layers, with a special attention directed towards current pain points and omissions.
More details at: https://uapi-group.org/docs/conferences/2024-09-18__lpc-uapi-mc/
these aren't "odd" laws, they're crucial ones for pedestrian safety. and Waymo regularly fails to follow them. this type of reporting seriously misses the mark, it's basically free advertising at this point