I am once again begging phone manufacturers to make smaller phones.
I have a feeling that while some people celebrate NoNAT November I would go other way and drop AAAA records for my services.
IPv6 never really worked for me.
When my ISP forced me to be IPv6 only I called them and got IPv4 back as too many things failed.
Current one (Orange PL) uses Dualstack-Lite which I never got working properly.
And now Oracle Cloud instances have outgoing IPv6 traffic but not incoming one.
Delightfully evil - can't unsee.
Undefined behaviour in a programming language spec is a good thing because it enables optimisations. Similarly, taking the windscreen wipers off your car is a good thing because it improves aerodynamics.
Alright folks, who leaked our master plan to the world? It was supposed to be secret for a few more years 🤣
i'll make one exception and will not just block this person silently, because i've disappointingly seen someone who i respect very much share this.
sir maybe if you didn't bully and slander people who absolutely didn't agree to be working on your pet project, and listened to them instead, and work with them, your pet project wouldn't suck?
i want to make it known that this sort of hostile attitude towards free software maintainers and contributors pisses me off tremendously. if you're on the receiving end of this sort of abuse, i'd like to know that i (an ape), value your efforts and i'm sure countless others do ❤️
TIL: util-linux 2.40 contains a handy utility 'exch' that allows you to atomically exchange two paths (including directories). It's a https://github.com/util-linux/util-linux/blob/master/Documentation/releases/v2.40-ReleaseNotes#L52
When people ask what it's like to work in gamedev I'm going to show them this post from now on.
Elon Musk is about to have access to the U.S government to pay for contracts to make whatever he wants without anyone's approval and without regard to safety.
He's going to line his pockets with your money and laugh at you while he does so.
If anyone really thinks they voted to make the economy better or stayed home because “it’s the same”, all you accomplished is making a billionaire richer.
Tesla hits $1 trillion market value as Musk-backed Trump win fans optimism |
#Poland finally decided to publish a public account of its war time support for #Ukraine, which was only available based on estimates and speculations before:
Source: https://www.prezydent.pl/aktualnosci/wydarzenia/polska-pomoc-dla-ukrainy,93620 (in Polish)
Pokud národ s třemi stovkami milionů obyvatel, lídr západní demokracie, vygeneruje do svého čela misogyního sociopatického soudně stíhaného negramota, tak je trajektorie vývoje lidstva definitivně potvrzena. Sen o tom, že se lidstvo mentálně od středověku někam pohnulo skončil. Za chvíli už ale budeme taky světoví a budeme mít svůj klon na premiérském křesle.