Outside, there's a heap of snow, and more is falling. It's not great for riding, so I opt for cross-country skis. At the last minute, I realize I don't have any snacks, so I grab two apples. I encounter a family, and they ask if I'm taking the horse for a ski ride. I say yes. A little later, we pass by them, and they mention they "expected the horse to pull me." Alright then, I grab onto the mane, and Zlutak starts trotting. They have to admit that it's pulling me, but half of the apple is gone. We repeat the exercise, and the other half of the apple disappears into the horse's mouth. I'll save the rest for the way back...

We turn around, and I probably won't need the lead anymore, so I turn it into a loop around its neck so I don't have to pull on the mane. Zlutak looks excited, so we go... Interestingly, he somehow manages to understand what I want from it, even when I'm pulling on the same piece of rope I'm trying to steer with. He's just clever. We stop with a verbal command, and it deserves a piece of apple... well, except the apple disappears entirely. For a moment, I consider that maybe he just wants to go home, so if I just stick to... but no, that would be unfair.

Now I have an excited horse and no snacks. I stand in front of him, and surprisingly... the horse seems to understand that the lesson is over and follows me without much fuss. Great!