The SoftISP is making progress, allowing libcamera to operate on platforms where the ISP (Image Signal Processor) is either unusable, or not available.
Here we have Hans comparing the Intel IPU6 running the out-of-kernel stack against the libcamera SoftISP. The colours are off, as the white balance isn't handled yet - and there is no denoise.
But clear progress to functioning cameras!
@libcamera Congrats! And congrats to Hans for the majestic stare :D
Too bad I can't make it to FOSDEM this year, would have been nice to hang out once again, it's been a while!
@libcamera needs a few more iterations for Hans' face to brighten up sufficiently
@pavel @libcamera accelerated encoding is somewhat independent of this, no? I.e. if the a device supports encoding via V4L2 or VA-API, that can be handled by applications / frameworks like Gstreamer - and doesn't need to live in #libcamera, right?
@libcamera Do you know if the denoising could be performed with a neural network?
@tomeu well that's something I'd be asking you about :-) looking forward to trying out your work sometime.