Edited 10 months ago

well, returned back safe #neovim. i did like experimenting with #helix tho and am going change my neovim configuration based on that. I’ve used vim for 25 years so pretty hard to get out of old habbits.

Some glitches that would need to be fixed before I would try it again:

  1. Doing quick changes to tabbing was too much effort compared to something like set ts=2 sw=2 et. Creating a .helix directory for upstream projects in not always even an option.
  2. I don’t like multiselect, totally useless and confusing feature to me, and the whole philosophy is based on this concept. I generally do not want the text editor to be too symbol aware to the point that it gets in the way. This is actually why I never got into Emacs. It is way too smart editor for me :-)
  3. I was not able to format (gq) email paragraphs when responding with aerc.
  4. No remote editing so not very nice to use with tmux. I usually open my files from command-line, not from the editor.
  5. Probably just user incompetence but I did not know how to exist from that stupid multi-select once I had done search replace. So I exited the whole editor after every single search-replace.

In producing code it is not very important how fast you can write the code because 95% of time goes to QA anyway and making first functional version to actually work with real workloads. So personally I think that new editors optimize a local maximum that does not help to deliver all that much as you might first think.


@jarkko for the exit multi select mode, its , iirc :P i also used it for a bit but didn't prefer it over vim

@spubby ok thanks for sharing :-) it is sort of "how to exit vim" of helix

> Doing quick changes to tabbing was too much effort compared to something like set ts=2 sw=2 et. Creating a .helix directory for upstream projects in not always even an option

Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but isn't this what you'd use editorconfig file for, regardless of editor?

@escape Editor config does not change what I expect in brains when I open a random file :-) I mean even bash scripts can have a whole umbrella of different indenting styles. Smart editors suck in ad-hoc.

@escape If you only deal with source code that is written with Rust then I guess there’s no issue because you need to anyway pass clippy but otherwise conventions can be varying. And as said getting .helix to every possible upstream project is not really a feasible solution for this tbh.

I’d wish helix also had a formatting action that can format text that it does not know syntax of, i.e. something that is not “treesitter-aware” such as this text I’m writing right now because I response dozens of emails each working day.

Not saying that helix is bad if it works for you. It is just not very capable at this point of time, if you need to contribute to upstream projects.


@jarkko I see. I haven't really encountered that many projects that have different indentations for the same kind of files, so I was not aware of this being a problem you could have. Didn't know about per project ".helix" files, is that a thing?