Edited 10 months ago
A #Polyend #Tracker song has 8 tracks and 48 instruments at most. A pattern can have 128 steps.

Let's consider MIDI export.

Since an instrument can change per step (instrument is one of the note parameters), in the worst case scenario you would need 48 * 8 = 384 MIDI tracks to export a single 8 track pattern. This sort of gives perspective on the complexity of this instrument.

#Ableton and #Bitwig have a sort of solution for this: drum rack. So if you had a plugin that can play polyend instrument then you would need 8 instances of drum rack each with in worst case 48 instances of that plugin and choke group spanning all of the instances. I.e. in worst case you would be running 8 drum racks and 384 instances of the plugin. Pitch could be changed with generated pitch automation. More feasible than 384 MIDI tracks but still somewhat exhausting.

Did not realize how complex problem it can be to do 1:1 correct export of a tracker project until I started to actually think of it :-) As odd as it sounds it would easier to implement software clone of the tracker than to implement a DAW export of a tracker project.