Having my OP6 back in a working condition I have installed Droidian.
It just works: calls, sms, data, fingeprint, location services, NFC, sleep.
@droidian makes so much difference.
I think OP6 with @droidian is a first, so called "linux phone", I have personally seen that really works.
There are some quirks here and there but mainly because of Phosh not being finished yet.
Great work guys ! Appreciate it.
Yes, camera works. Switching between front and back cameras also works. Interestingly camera also works in waydroid.
Battery life should be same or similar to Android. All the energy saving features are there in the kernel. So you can even see in logs that the "Batman" daemon is switching off CPUs when they are not needed.
I'm living in an area where GSM signal is very weak. I guess battery life would be even better if signal was stronger.
Sure. Let's just wait for a daylight.
Unless you want me to photograph an emtpy table in an artificial light :)
Don't expect miracles. OP6 was introduced almost 6 years ago. In smartphone industry it's like from a stone age :)
If you are considering buying linux smartphone I would go for a Poco X3 Pro. It can be bought new for a very reasonable price. It's lightning fast compared to op6. And there is droidian port by @vacuumbeef.
Whenever you can would be great, although tbh a photo under artificial light would probably tell me more than one in daylight, as it's a more challenging setup for a camera / camera app to deal with.
Anytime that suits though would be awesome.
Will look into the Poco X3 Pro, thanks!, although part of the appeal of the OP6 is that it seems to be widely supported by many projects such as #PostmarketOS, too.
Yes, OP6 is supported by #PostmarketOS. But it is running mainline kernel. Which is great. But still requires a lot of work on SDM845 to bring it anywhere near android kernel in terms of functionality. By the time SDM845 support will be finished (if ever) - it will be a museum exhibit.
At the same time I do admire all people that currently work on this. Respect !
Thanks so much! That's actually better quality than I was expecting. Thank you for the advice, as well.
For anything wrong on this photo blame me :)
I'm an "auto" type person - no idea how to make photos :)
As @vacuumbeef mentioned it's @droidian mot @postmarketOS , but that said I feel like that Postmarket page may need updating. I mean, is there seriously not a single device whose camera works at this point? π
@Blort @pavel @as400 @vacuumbeef @droidian @postmarketOS Besides the PinePhone and Librem 5? Yes, there is seriously not a single device that has working camera.
It's a harder thing to solve then you seemingly realize.
@pavel @as400 @Blort you know,I thought the same before, but in the end, it feels just like regular linux with some limitations of wm/compositors available (cherry-picked wlroots to make phoc work, saw a patched Wayfire also), but I'm not that good at this stuff, may be missing something. The point is, though, right now, afaik, Droidian is only way to get a real familiar linux experience on FULLY functional phone (camera, sensors, fingerprint, etc)(gps has problems right now) besides PP and L5
@bart @Blort
Thanks to this discussion, I've updated the PinePhone Pro wiki page to "partial" π . While both Cameras work with GNOME Camera (and other libcamera-powered apps), the back camera stops working after first suspend.
@pavel @as400 @vacuumbeef @droidian @postmarketOS
@Blort @as400 @droidian to be honest, I think go for op6(t), firstly yeah it also has mainline which is fun. secondly, while my poco x3 pro port is pretty good, I think, everything works nicely, besides one thing - earpiece volume adjusting while calling - its uncomfortably loud and you cant change it, its either too loud or completely silent. this problem exists on ubports and sailfish also, and I have no idea how to fix it at that point
@Blort @as400 also, Im sorry for so many messages, but here is another thing I have to warn about
A lot of x3 pro have faulty displays, some users experience random ghost touches. From my research (that may be absolutely wrong, cant show any sources at that point):
there are two manufacturers - Tianma and Huaxing. Ghost touches are reported on devices with Tianma displays, while I have not seen anything about Huaxing. Huaxing displays are more common on 8/256 versions, the most expensive ones.
And honestly I don't know that the #PinePhone really deserves to be considered an exception at this point. Still a lot of things that don't seem to function over there, at least there were last time I checked. I would gladly use it as my daily if everything just worked, even with it's pretty slow processor speed. Ok, I will admit the potato camera is kind of a killer for me as I'd have to carry a separate camera for anything I wanted to remember long term.
I think Pinephone is a big fail. After all these years some people are still having problems with simple things. Like phone not waking up on incoming call.
So the GPS works for you? And the camera takes photos that aren't wildly green? And call sound quality is good enough that people can consistently understand what you're saying? And the battery lasts for more than an hour of use?
These are some of the main issues I ran in to. Many I don't need to be perfect, just better (eg battery life of 2-3 hours use).
@as400 when I tried a few weeks ago, fingerprint on op6 worked only until first reboot, do you have the same issue? This + encryption is holding me back from trying to daily drive it
Yes, fingerprint doesn't work for me too. AFAIR this is marked as not working on github.
Yes, there is a problem with it. It stops working after first reboot for some reason.
And it's marked as not working on github page.