It takes well over a minute from the time you turn on the TV until it actually shows a live channel.
Changing channels is excruciating.
Vizio destroyed a perfectly working TV with software it can't handle
Losing the ability to watch broadcast TV without trouble was the last straw.
Fortunately there is a fix.
What you do is disconnect the TV from WiFi, then revert to factory settings.
Then NEVER connect the TV to the Internet again.
Now broadcast TV works normally. The TV is responsive to channel changing, and it turns on normally.
And we still use Roku for all "smart TV" things.
Big fail for Vizio, but at least there's a way to make a smart TV dumb and useful.
@passthejoe I connected my LG TV to the internet once. Realised all it wanted to do was download 500MB updates (back about 8 years ago), so I disconnected it and never connected it again. Has worked flawlessly in the last 8 years
@passthejoe The Samsung I bought for my mother a few years ago nags until you get it connected.
@wikiyu @passthejoe If you want a dumb monitor, look at digital signage displays. They don't have tuners, though.