@parzzix I use iPhone, mainly because I prefer the experience of iOS over Android. Having said that, phones are getting ridiculously priced, and I’m thinking about switching back to Android when this phone dies, and just getting a cheap one. I don’t need a £1,000 device in my pocket, especially when I only really use it for basic stuff.
Iphone: Plaque
Android: Cholera.
Mobian: sunshine, Rainbows and Unicorns.
Make your choice 😘
@kev @parzzix That’s a great point. My iPhone has the power to run as a desktop but doesn’t have the software for it, so why did I pay $1000 for it? My next upgrade should be in 4-5 years, so the cheap phones at that time should be plenty powerful. Or maybe Apple will step up their game and make the phones worth it.
@my_actual_brain @parzzix I’d love Apple to reintroduce the “C” phone again…whether it stood for “cheap” or “colours” I really don’t care, but a budget iPhone that does the basics would be great.