@monsieuricon The difference b/w me and you is that you learn from those mistakes.
Oh, and perhaps that your critical systems are slightly more critical than mine 0:-)
@monsieuricon We install the "molly-guard"-package on all our systems after one of our collegues shut down three servers after midnight on his way to bed. π
[A molly-guest is] "originally a Plexiglas cover improvised for the Big Red Switch on an IBM 4341 mainframe after a programmer's toddler daughter (named Molly) tripped it twice in one day." https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/molly-guard
@monsieuricon thinking back that would have been usefull more than few times
@monsieuricon I've used only `shutdown -r now`, but have never even bothered to `man shutdown` to see what else was possible.
@monsieuricon What I try to do is make sure each gnome-terminal/ssh connection to a different machine has a different colour scheme. Since that time the "shutdown -h now" which was supposed to kill the Raspberry Pi shut down the webserver.
@monsieuricon I once managed to mistype 'systemctl reboot postfix' instead of restart. Can't protect myself from everything.
@monsieuricon I normally do shutdown -r where I also provide a reason string. That also gives me time to think about what I am about to do there. And it has got an audit trail.