THEM #Keyboards !
I'm desperate. Please help me and answer if you know
is the Enter key horizontal or vertical on #Czech and #Norwegian #laptop keyboards?
I will not buy one until I know.
You could try searching.
@Benhm3 I'm getting conflicting results. Maybe someone actually on the ground knows.
@dcz I presume this is about ISO vs ANSI?
I'd presume most european keyboards are ISO.
(I personally prefer ISO, I keep typing \ accidentally on ANSI - if I were a Windows user, that would actually be useful.)
@pavel That makes sense. All the laptop photos on show the US International layout, but descriptions say "CZ,SK". And I have to make a decision :/
@pavel Not for a software keyboard; I'm considering getting a laptop for coreboot/kernel hacking and eventually turning into my main machine, with my preferred key shapes.
I assumed photos were not representative of the actual product.
Your hints give me a sliver of hope.
@dcz Unfortunately, from my experience… yes. Horizontal or vertical. There does not seem to be much of a consensus, e.g. the keyboard I am typing this on was iirc sold as Czech, has Czech labels and horizontal Enter. OTOH, we are supposed to be using ISO layout with vertical Enters, and another laptop I have has one (and Czech labels)…
When I was last buying my keyboard with the strict requirement it have vertical Enter (among other features), I ended up buying a German layout, that seemed to be a better bet (also by comparing pictures mostly).
@dcz (To be really explicit: I do not know much about German keyboard layouts. I only know that I successfully bought one keyboard that has the layout I wanted, nothing more.)
@ledoian For furure reference, it's quite hard to get a horizontal Enter in Germany. It's all pretty standardized here (to my detriment).
@elly @dcz @pavel Pretty much all Czech computers I have used have had J-shaped enters. Although it would absolutely make sense for there not being any standard - you absolutely could expect a manufacturer to just take whatever keyboard they have lying around (which probably would be an US keyboard, but no guarantee) and just print the háčky onto it. Might be worth it to make a special layout for that ~90 or whatever million German speakers, not so much for ~10 million Czech speakers. I mean they don't even print them only in Czech, they always have both Czech and Slovak letters on them