@jpm @CursedFootprint if this has nothing to do with @NanoRaptor then … well, totally cursed
@jpm @CursedFootprint @NanoRaptor This is just not fair. Why does Mitsubishi do such things just to let one of their engineers win a bet?
@jpm I like the datasheet warns ' Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage'
@jpm @CursedFootprint @NanoRaptor Irregular pin arrangements are pretty common on high-power devices.
@CursedFootprint @NanoRaptor I heard you like fucked up IC footprints that look like shitposts, so here’s today’s challenger: the SCM1110MF, another 3-phase high voltage IGBT module.
Do YOU have a PowerDIP package?
@jpm @CursedFootprint @NanoRaptor "Do YOU have a PowerDIP package?"
That emphasis makes it sound like a euphemism
@jpm @CursedFootprint @NanoRaptor Allegro's high power current sensors also have some cursed packages