The Fairphone 5 seems significantly less power efficient than the Pixel 7 :(
@pavel this is while running the factory android image on both devices.
In standby or usage?
For specific usecases more than others?
Do you have 90hz / 5G enabled?
@homo_particeps mostly standby. 90Hz is still disabled and I don't have 5G at my carrier. It's one of the fun cases where the battery usage tracking reports no power being used by anything specific...
That indeed hints at the chipset. Many say it's due to the qcm6490 not being designed as a smartphone chip.
But it seems hardware wise not to be that much different from, e.g. a snapdr. 780G. The biggest difference seems to be wifi; might that be a factor?
Or the software drivers act differently. But then i wouldn't know what they would purposely leave enabled, they surely wouldn't maintain different code for so similar chips without reason.
Such a shame! The alternative mobile phone space is very hard nowadays
@martijnbraam there are lot of thoughts about this on Fairphone forum. I've read through about 1/4 of discussion and it looks like Always on Display is probably one part of the issue.
@j4n3z it seems a bit wasteful to have the display powered on while the thing is in my pocket. I wonder why the "always on" display doesn't get turned off based on the proximity sensor.
@martijnbraam @j4n3z It should turn off?? My OnePlus 6 on LOS 21 turns off it's AoD when the proximity sensor is covered.