Who thought 50 fps video is a good idea? I don’t see any difference to 30, except my old graphics card can’t handle it in fullscreen and drops frames and I see that. I don’t want to replace it though (such a waste!), and passively cooled graphics cards seem to be extremely hard to find nowadays anyway.
@pavel@social.kernel.org Hmm, if I can find a way to use streaming output (so it works for livestreams) that might work.
Still want to yell at out public broadcasters for the waste of energy and bandwidth though. Maybe I actually should…
@pavel This does work (depending on input I might need to reencode audio, too): ffmpeg -i "$INPUT" -fpsmax 25 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -c:a copy -f matroska tcp://localhost:8000?listen
Seriously drives up CPU usage, though.
fwiw the palit rtx 3050 kalmx launched someowtimeow recently and it's actually purchaseable nya