@mntmn Because of MTN Reform being open-source, one could offer a fork from the bitmap with an alternate font, am I right?
@noiob almost! we have this special key called hyper, otherwise correct
@mntmn Der Pfeil nach rechtsoben ist normalerweise die Mod4-Taste, also die, die die Tastatur in die 4. Belegungsebene umschaltet. Ist die beim Pocket auch so gemeint?
@mntmn that's one way to save having a power button :)
@gsuberland apple taught me that people love these kind of riddles 😛
@mntmn perhaps "Hold both to turn on." For the second line. Otherwise, I'd be pushing on the LCD screen instead. Unless that's what you mean.
@tommythorn thanks, but i didn't ask for a replacement font or criticism of the font!