
Lorenzo Stoakes

One of the hardest things to accept as an adult is just how deep injustice goes in every area of life.

I'm not talking the big injustices, I'm talking the small ones, the petty ones. Ones that might, though in fact, be big in your life.

Sadly those who do you wrong, speak smooth words justifying what they did, using power to lie their way out of it in a way you can't rebut, - they'll get away with it.

Completely. With no come back. And they'll be happy, and won't even think they've done anything wrong. They'll never learn, grow old and die, surrounded by loving family.

Nothing will right the wrong, correct the incorrect.

Liars are believed, rewarded and lauded, truth tellers are more often than not punished and debased.

There are myriad awful shitty people out there who will absolutely fuck you over and absolutely get away with it, thrive and be loved by society.

There's no magical daddy in the sky who'll come fix it.

Truly, really and honestly facing up to that is a fucking hard thing.

I think a lot of people at some level harbour some belief that 'karma' applies or the universe will 'balance' itself or that people will notice the terrible pieces of shit and cast them out.

Nope, sorry, it's the opposite. You'll be punished for pointing it out :)

And everything happens for no reason.

<insert Joan Cornella cartoon here>
The big challenge from a psychological perspective is to find way to deal with this and let it go.

As the saying goes, you can't drink poison and expect the other person to die.

I do find humour is helpful here, at the very least you can ridicule these types. A potent weapon for sanity throughout the ages.

DougMerritt (log😅 = 💧log😄)

When I meditate it helps keep me from dwelling on it too much. I usually don't meditate enough, admittedly.


@ljs We aren't always punished for pointing it out except when you do so to the bad actor(s). Being the one to provide a rallying cry for those who've suffered the same injustice can be very rewarding, if rare. This is exactly why social science exists, and a whole lot of literature. I'll keep shining a light on the injustice, but I won't kill myself trying to get people to look.