A new asymmetric key type tpm2_key_rsa
: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jarkko/linux-tpmdd.git/log/?h=tpm2_key
Missing still integration to the pre-existing ASN.1 parser but can already sign with the null seed (default if parent is not defined).
I though this would be most logical way to define asymmetric key. Later on tpm2_key_ecdsa
can be added. Also for RSA we should use TPM2_RSA_Decrypt for decryption and signing, whereas ECDSA requires potentially more expensive TPM2_Sign and TPM2_EncryptDecrypt.
It is still experimental. Testing the key type itself without parser first with the help of null seed, and then adding bits to call the ASN.1 parser by implementing asymmetric_key_parser
. This derived work from James Prestwood’s earlier work from 2020.
for tpm2_encodeobject: https://lists.buildroot.org/pipermail/buildroot/2024-May/753689.html
Key creation (not yet fully tested):
tpm2_createprimary --hierarchy o -G rsa2048 -c owner.txt
tpm2_evictcontrol -c owner.txt 0x81000001
tpm2_getcap handles-persistent
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
tpm2_import -C 0x81000001 -G rsa -i private.pem -u key.pub -r key.priv
tpm2_encodeobject -C 0x81000001 -u key.pub -r key.priv -o key.priv.pem
openssl asn1parse -inform pem -in key.priv.pem -noout -out key.priv.der
key_serial=`cat key.priv.der | keyctl padd asymmetric tpm @u`
The asymmetric key should be then available as subcommands of keyctl pkey_encrypt $key_serial