
Jarkko Sakkinen

Edited 5 months ago

My game plan for the next weekends Ethprague is this:

  1. Introduce roles in authentication: user and machine both I think should be represented with their own private keys. I.e. consider ENS as a fancy LDAP that the machine can access.
  2. Represent asymmetric TPM2 keys (tpm2_key_rsa, tpm2_key_ecdsa) as a way to give a guarded identity for the machine (or node).
  3. The lack of TPM_ECC_P256_K1 in TCG Algorithm Repository means that TPM’s cannot natively store Ethereum private keys. Could and should change tho.
  4. Workaround that I’m going to do after my first patch set is completed: software ECDSA for p256k1, i.e. signing and verification. Allows to root the keychain to an asymmetric TPM2 key.

Feels like 25-30 mins to me. Most importantly, not much knowledge required of #Ethereum, which is pretty alien topic to me :-) About to head soon to the #Tampere airport.

I’m not really even a fan of blockchains or cryptocurrency but I still think that it is good to provide safe and usable mechanisms for any legit task that user wants to use Linux for. So thus I want to enable those and free of charge, in order to keep my position regarding this topic (no affiliations). I only benefit flights to Prague from this work (pay for Airbnb myself).

#linux #kernel #crypto