@ljs vim myself. Mostly readonly flow but... I might be able to answer?
I also tried neovim recently for python stuff, so I might be able to answer too... who knows!
@ljs hahaha. I was so expecting a really specific question. Give me a few. I guess the neovim config might be more apt then, I use LSP with python too so ...
So here goes nothing:
(for brievety I'll only include repo name, everything is hosted on gh nowdays, for better or worse).
pluging mgmt: lazy.nvim
lsp: nvim-lspconfig ( This one is really good, lsp can be a bitch to setup on nvim, and it comes pre-conf with a lot of languages).
autocompletion: nvim-cmp
fuzzy search: telescope.nvim with telescope-fzf-native.nvim
But honestly I don't use fuzzy search, I'm too engrained in my old rg ways etc.
ui: lualine.nvim / bufferline.nvim
misc: nvim-treesitter / neorg
@ljs treesiter is really good. neorg is a modernized replacement for orgmode. It's not there yet.
@ljs if you need a TreeView (I just can't use them) then nvim-tree.lua is quite good.