What do you use to create presentation slides in Markdown?
I'm bored of PPT, GDocs, LibreOffice.
I want to know what you *personally* use. Why do you like it? Do you recommend it? Any pitfalls?
@Edent I tend to use Obsidian (or more accurately, the Slides plugin - https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Slides)
I use it primarily because that's also where I keep all my notes so a) it keeps it together, b) I can be lazy and slice my notes up into a presentation if needed
I don't often give presentations though, so it might be underpowered for more usual needs
@Edent it does mean that sharing the "slides" afterwards is a double edged sword.
One the one hand, you get a nice markdown doc to read through. On the other, you can't view it as a presentation unless you're also using that plugin (or something compatible)
@ben thanks. I've tried Obsidian a few times. I'm sure it'll stick one day 😆
@Edent Hahaha yeah... I've turned off (or just plain don't use) quite a lot of the stuff that people rave about
@neil @Edent Turns out there's an Obsidian plugin to create reveal.js presentations as well - https://github.com/ebullient/obsidian-slides-extended
I might try and get into the habit of using that, quite like the idea I might be able to dump onto the web in a presentable view