Why did we all decide on cylinders as the battery shape? with the exception of button cells and the occasional D battery, most consumer batteries are all cylinders. I want something really strange, like a AA battery shaped like a tiny bowling pin, or a lantern battery that's a little mlp figurine with the terminals on the hooves
@Dio9sys 9-volts are rectangular, tho (but, inside it's two cylinders).
@hrbrmstr (fun fact: unwrapping a 9 volt battery is how you get AAAA batteries for small hobby projects!)
@monsieuricon hmmm, fair, though now I want to make origami out of lithium strips and turn that into batteries
@Dio9sys Got curious, found this discussion on it. Most boring answer is likely: we were already manufacturing cylinders so it was easiest
And custom shapes are a manufactory nightmare π