
@m we could also stop using drinking water to flush the toilets

Edited 8 months ago
@m nuclear power plants don't "use" the water. It's just a coolant and is usually taken from the river, lightly filtered, and then immediately returned into the river. It would be the same as claiming that hydroelectric dams "use" water.

The datacenters, on the other hand, usually make use of municipal water supplies -- and often return that water back into the municipal source (since it's still potable, just warmer).

In general, I am perplexed why this is referred to as "consuming" the water -- it's still largely the same water of the same quality after it's been used.
@m I guess you did specify "grid scale" -- so those do use swamp coolers predominantly. Even then, evaporated water doesn't stop being water, so it is not being "consumed" if it came from a flowing water source, as opposed to an aquifer.

in the areas where water is abundant (like here in Montreal), evaporative cooling only consumes filters.

I still see this emphasis on water consumption as misdirected when it comes to data centres. Making and transporting the servers, hiring technicians, etc -- all of it has a much grander impact on environment than water cooling.