
@jarkko and other folks. I was thinking of setting up a home for our label on the

Do you know of any specialising in electronic dance music?

Or if you’re feeling adventurous, should we maybe host one?? 🤔

@djuuss @gimulnautti lol nobody has ever called me a part of group called "psytrance folks". Non taken ;-)

Unfortunately only music personality I follow is @polarity who is also only Bitwig expert I follow at Youtube. I generally try to avoid watching or reading anything "music production" related because then you end up learning 1000000 and 1 ways to use EQ and compressor in a wrong way, get a headache and feel bad for yourself 😆

I like Polarity's stuff because it is more like cool insights and hacks rather than how to use EQ incorrectly.

That said, if there was a great Reaper tuber with emphasis on ReaScript, that would be something I'd be interested! I really would like learn that some day.

I don't have lot of emphasis on music ATM. I'm doing one collaboration track with Kirna. Actually good that this came out because I've been supposed to send him stems for last 2 months lol. It will be released some day at

The thing with Kirna is cool in the way that he is using Studio ONE so I have a real-world situation to try out .dawproject, which both Bitwig and Studio ONE support. I guess I'm geek first and music second, even when it comes to music ;-)

@jarkko @djuuss @polarity Ah. Bitwig has their own server. Cool!