Apple added a feature called "inactivity reboot" in iOS 18.1. This is implemented in keybagd and the AppleSEPKeyStore kernel extension. It seems to have nothing to do with phone/wireless network state. Keystore is used when unlocking the device. So if you don't unlock your iPhone for a while... it will reboot!
In the news: "Police Freak Out at iPhones Mysteriously Rebooting Themselves, Locking Cops Out"
iOS version diffs to see yourself:
@jiska one wonders whether this is an intentional security feature or just a workaround for some hard to fix bug.
@jiska at least police have effectively confirmed for us that they keep seized phones powered up in a Faraday cage
@mikelabonte Not really new. Faraday bags are part of the Cellebrite toolkit @jiska
@jiska that's amazing!
I wish Google would copy these Graphene OS features into AOSP too.
@jiska "Apple may have introduced a new security feature in iOS 18 that tells nearby iPhones to reboot if they have been disconnected from a cellular network for some time."
Nearby? Are they saying that one iPhone can tell another iPhone to reboot?
@dandylyons I didn't find any traces of that, either it doesn't exist and the phones from the article rebooted because of something else, or it's yet another feature.
There's a new article with more details on when the new inactivity reboot is triggered on iOS 18:
This is a cheap & great mitigation! While most people won't have their phone forensically analyzed, many more will have their devices stolen. It protects user data in both cases.
So, now that people know because it's something something security, they can cut down costs with kernel QA. Something gone wrong? Just reboot the poor sucker. 😇
@jiska Are we sure this works? maybe the iPhone is really shy and only reboots if it knows for sure it is not being watched?