
Evo Terra —At-will subversive

How often do players replace helmets?

Like, I was told (don’t recall by whom) that if you drop your bicycle helmet or use it in a crash; it’s done its job and needs to be replaced.

Clearly, that’s not the case for football helmets. But they are also much larger than streamlined bike helmets.

Hrm. Now I’m thinking the helmet thing is bullshit, maybe?


@evoterra My guess is that bike helmets are tested to survive one impact and never tested again, so no manufacturer wants to provide any guarantee of protection past that one impact.
But if you look at the test, you'll see that the testing conditions don't really match the reality of falls that much (IIRC protection on a fall straight down), so you're not going any useful guarantee in the first place.



Most bike helmet are made with the same rigid foam that keeps electronics from moving in the box. The plastic outside lining is very thin and mostly esthetic. If cracked, you can't see it.

Football helmets are made of thick plastic with fabric straps and the foam inside is compressible, mostly for comfort. If there's a cracke on it, you would see it.

Some BMX helmets are built more like football helmets and would sustain multiple hits.

@dcz @evoterra Of course manufacturers would like you to buy new helmet after every drop, which is about every two weeks or so :-). It is polystyrene, the damage is quite obvious. If it is not visibly damaged, it probably still provides significant protection. Well, and if it is visibly damaged, it is still way better than no helmet at all...