in switzerland you aren't allowed to have a train with exactly 256 axles because of an integer overflow in the axle counting machine
i wish i could fix my software bugs by making it illegal to cause them
the source everyone reports for this PDF is gone, and it's not exactly easy to find swiss train law documentation when you don't even speak german
but here's a current link:
page 123, section 4.8.4 "Zugbildung"
die züge können keine 256 achsen haben! wie lächerlich!
"gnädige frau, das ist ein mcdonalds."
@lynnesbian @ireneista every time I’m reminded of this I am again really bothered that they don’t ban all _multiples_ of 256
@steve @lynnesbian @ireneista came here to leave this comment
@lynnesbian we've done that at work
"it does not work"
"dont do it, we just call it unsupported"