@gregkh I spotted perl has MITRE as root, like most.To me it feels like redhat or something would be a better fit...
@gregkh I want to watch this talk and compare notes as glibc is a CNA, but I've got a conflict all day on the 19th. Will this be recorded? I've only ever seen the keynotes recorded.
@bagder @gregkh Red Hat has been a root since 2022 (https://www.cve.org/Media/News/item/blog/2022/09/07/CVE-Program-Expands-Partnership-with) and when we made glibc a CNA we picked Red Hat as our root (https://www.cve.org/PartnerInformation/ListofPartners/partner/glibc)
@gregkh awesome if you want to mention this in your talk!
Just for clarity, though – It's the CPAN Security Group (@cpansec) which is now the CNA on behalf of both CPAN and Perl.
This group is different from the security folks in p5p-porters list, the Perl Steering Council, and the Perl Toolchain Gang // Summit folks – though there's some membership overlap. 😃