This picture is being circulated in tech circles as an example of what people no longer know. Ah... everyone does know what this is, right? Right!?
@sjvn yes I do believe this is the underside of a “ball mouse” that heavy rubber ball in the center needs cleaning every so often… unless I’m mistaken 🤔
If it is , I remember turning that “dial plate” to open it up and clean the ball when the courser wouldn’t move smoothly on the screen. Always had fun holding that heavy rubber ball!
@sjvn Yeah, kids these days will never learn the importance of keeping your balls clean.
@sjvn Once a year you open that slot and use what is in it (except the ball) together with what rains out of a keyboard when held upside down to make a fantastic soup...
@sjvn "You gently turn it over on it's back and spread it's little mouse legs"