Brno becomes a desert: it's +20°C during the day and -1°C at night now, in early March. Silly Czechs still consider this time of a year to be a winter, BTW.
@oleksandr would sir rather have his appartment outside topná sezóna already?
@oleksandr serious ukrainians would never allow this to happen!
@lkundrak @oleksandr it seems you guys imported many, and yet things are still broken, I'm not sure who to blame now???
@ljs @oleksandr they're just not integrating! you hardly see any in the nudist colonies, and if you come across one they're still wearing a bow tie!!
@lkundrak @oleksandr and then have the cheek (visible) to complain about it suddenly getting cold at night!!!!
whereas all Czechs know you drink so much you don't notice when you're at the nudist colony
@lkundrak @oleksandr maybe Sasha's bowtie got cold when swimming in the sea and this is what made him think it was -1 at night???
@ljs @oleksandr at the nudist colony: "it's normally larger, it's just that it's -1C ..."
@lkundrak @oleksandr *skillfully positions self in way of thermometer showing that it is in fact 15 degrees*
@vbabka The thing is that sir will have +45°C in his apartment in July.
@jarkko @oleksandr i dream of attending a festival in finland one day, with long drinks also