@corbet I had no idea they made… truncated CDs? what shape even is that
@corbet huh, TIL! that means this disc is actually smaller than I thought: I thought it was a regular-sized CD being truncated, but it's actually one of those smaller ones, like the GameCube used. I guess that if there's no data on those outer rings, they're not really needed, but… it still feels weird
@corbet @clarfonthey and they didn't resonate well with some cd drives. bad vibes
@corbet @clarfonthey A bit of a novelty item even at the time but widely enough distributed at least in a promotional context for me to remember the phrase "bootable business card"
I liked those, but they vibrated a lot and despite looking cool, one of them experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly inside the CD-ROM drive, damaging the drive.