Check the server mode ...
` foot --server &` then launch the clients with `footlcient`
It'll surprise you
@jarkko I'm curious, doesn't it have weird window decoration in GNOME? Last time I tried foot in GNOME, it wasn't following GNOME window decoration style. It totally looked odd.
@jarkko this may be a rediculous question, but have you found a good Linux terminal which supports frames other than Konsole? I liked, of all things, MS Windows Terminal using CTRL-SHIFT-+/- to split the window into a new frame and CTRL-arrow to move between them. Konsole mostly works but is pretty janky with some weird glitches, unpleasing borders, poorly organized menus, etc., gnome-terminal has tabs and is reliable, but no frames. Everything else I've tried is unmaintained and crashy for me
@jarkko that might be the answer, I'll take a look at it. I've only used GNU Screen occasionally when I wanted a long-running command to be resistant to dropped communication, sometimes these days I just use systemd-run to make a temporary service, but am always annoyed in how it takes over CTRL-a and scrollback. I'll see if tmux makes more sense for me. thanks.