Rust kernel patches should really level up on commit messages and not merging random code with zero callers.
I welcome Rust but disobey not doing right things right :-)
If a commit message does not by practical means exist except some generic mumbling that would be best to be deleted. How do we e.g. know that a commit is not AI generated and unchecked by the author? If we don't know that we have objectively engineered a security leak as that can be eweaponized.
That is really dangerous type of trust. I'd just like check and not trust. Even if a patch would come from some ultra famous figure like Linus, Greg or even God himself, I'd still like to check, not believe the authority and based on that draw my OWN conclusions.
I actually do not even mind if some random patch would be AI generated. Use any tool you see fit. It is just that the commit message verifies that you UNDERSTAND what you are doing.
#linux #kernel #rust #rustlang