I've seldomly tried
#Rizin over the years but only after I switched to
#Fedora early this year, I've really got into using it.
The stack is pretty well packaged, including
#Cutter, in Fedora, which lowered the barrier. I hate to self-compile, everything must be low-hanging fruit unless I'm actually doing paid work :-)
I've also played with
#Ghidra but the problem is that it does not fit to my workflow as well where everything else is a command-line tool.
But since I learned that I can use Ghidra's decompiler Rizin I get best possible reverse engineering for *my personal needs*. Also, one big thing in Rizin is out-of-the box RISC-V support.
I've also got into developing some tools with libcapstone disassembler Rust bindings, and a crate called Goblin. My ultimate goal here would be to automate the way i do analysis for kernel oops without using anything from scripts/, addr2line, gdb or objdump. Rizin is a great prototyping tool because it is also based on libcapstone.
For great tutorials on Rizin, I can warmly recommend this YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/@ConsoleCowboysTutorials are for
#Radare2 but they apply equally to Rizin.