Imagine if these college kids got equally upset about Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, Mali, Haiti, Taiwan, or Nogorno-Karabakh as they do about Israel and Gaza.
It's almost like it's performative. 🤔
@sudoedit I am 100% ready for hostages to go back to their homes and armed conflict to end. Totally ready.
But that's not what I'm arguing here.
@major if you intended for this to be read in a grandpa simpson voice... you succeeded.
@major The US Government is spending a lot on military support to the side that isn't considered by the protestors to be "the good guys" - compare that to Ukraine or Taiwan where the reverse is true, the US is supporting the underdog, the good guys, etc.
@SamJSharpe 100% agreed and I don't support the decision there at all.
I'm just not sure how tearing up a college campus changes that dynamic.