@monsieuricon b4 question for you. When I'm using shazam -S and git am has a conflict, it drops to shell and I can resolve like normal. However, -SM will just fail rather than let me resolve the merge. Is there some way to have it let me try and resolve the conflict? Thanks!
@monsieuricon@social.kernel.org @monsieuricon@people.kernel.org I'll try that next time, thanks!
@monsieuricon@social.kernel.org @monsieuricon@people.kernel.org Finally hit this problem again. -SH also will say a patch fails to apply, fail and then say not fetching into FETCH_HEAD. b4 0.13.0, and `b4 shazam -SH -P 2-15 20240811122924.4035982-3-sjg@chromium.org` on top of d2067c3ea541 in U-Boot if you're curious enough replicate. I'll probably just tell the author to rebase that too on top of current next tomorrow. Thanks again!