I switched back to mutt from aerc after two or something, and it was a good decision. Two or something years of using aerc made me more ineffective. I used mutt since 1999 before trying out aerc.
- Multi-account is counter-productive over "mutt -e "source ~/.mutt/kernel.muttrc", if you use subaddress extension for multiple email addresses (RFC 5233). I often e.g. send to LKML from wrong email address.
- Mutt has more effective search and filtering out of the box with no external programs required.
- Less confusing configuration. It's raw and simple.
- User-defined headers (my_hdr).
- Having a terminal is a disadvantage because I neither need it or want it.
- The source code of aerc is alien to me because I don't use Go. In mutt I can directly read from the source code what it does.
This has been grown for some time but it requires always a bit of effort to switch.
FOSDEM kind of pushed me to finally do it because I have no respect on Drew DaVault's recent actions but it does not root to that (as you can see above) :-)
#mutt #aerc #email