Here is Megapixels 2 built on the Xiaomi Scorpio running on the libmegapixels config from my last blog post. Still broken oled panel though :p
The output, no autofocus, awb and AE and color calibration though :P
@martijnbraam What about hardware debayering and color correction? I almost managed to get that to work on msm8917 with some kernel hacks but got stuck at writing a libcamera driver, so it would be nice if libmegapixels made this simpler.
The main difference in userspace is that this requires selecting the PIX video capture device instead of RDI and that the capture format may differ from the main pipeline format. Some features might also require ISP-specific userspace code.
@affe_null libmegapixels should be ablet o deal with the PIX thing and format conversions in the ISP.
libmegapixels only handles pipeline setup basically. Megapixels implements the GPU debayer to actually make something usable about the data. Color correction is handled by having a sane color pipeline in Megapixels itself and DCP files that define the color data for the sensor.
@pavel I've been using your code as reference for my AE and AWB code. AE works great at least but the AWB just runs through the set of presets in the millipixels code. My current experiments have issues with being both slow and oscillating so I need to do some more fancy things there I guess.
I'm also now getting the balance data after the color calibration matrix but sensor gains are applied before it so it's a bit of a mess
@pavel I've not gotten to AF yet because millipixels just shells out to i2cset to change focus parameters in the hardware and I'm not planning on adding that hack to megapixels.
@pavel I think that's there from the manual focus implementation.
I've not looked too much in AF yet but your millipixels code for it looks deceptively simple. I assume it mostly takes a lot of tweaking to get it stable