Annoying. I have this cute small TV, it has DVI, HDMI, RC and S-VIDEO. I got myself an S-VIDEO cable for C64 so I can build myself a little work station… the image flickers so much I got an insta-headache. Switched the breadbox to 64C, then VIC20, same thing. Probably a TV issue. Nothing goes right this week. It can also be your eyes.
I am not capable of using CRT displays anymore. Nevermind is it 320x200 50Hz on 14" TV or 800x600 100Hz on good 17" monitor.
Just few minutes pass and my eyes hurt.
@pavel VGA or composite does not make a difference as long as it is CRT.
@pavel if you have an option for DVI/hdmi/DP instead of VGA then choose it.
Less signal processing. Also VGA begs for better cables.