Installing #rustup:
alias rustup="curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash -s --"
rustup --no-modify-path
Just though that good to write this up since I see some distributions packaging rustup, which makes no sense (for #rustc and #cargo it does for obvious reasons).
It is also totally safe to run rustup this way kudos to the amazing #TLS 1.2.
This also shows that Rust main site maintainers have really thought the integrity here so that it is easy for user and fairly secure. Theres a reason why --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2
is there, unlike in many other projects. Gives guarantees.
@jarkko Piping curl to bash is secure as long as you trust the server sends you genuine data.
And here's how a server can detect a "curl | bash":