Fun fact...... the @PINE64 #PinephonePro now ships with its OS as my build of #SailfishOS If you'd like to support my work, please donate to
@newbyte @pavel @PINE64 Yes, there are UI components that are non-free. I try to be pragmatic about these things, there is a lot that is free, and it generally works well and is a coherent system, with lots of development and testing. We have all of kf5 libs available and many plasma apps, and others in the community are currently implementing xdg-deskop-portal support
@pavel @PINE64 @newbyte .. i think its shipped in maemo-leste and sailfish, and i know some @libcamera devs have compiled it on their machines/desktops
@brie @PINE64 @newbyte @libcamera @pavel The design and layout was taken from advanced-camera, but the implementation is totally different using libcamera